User Responsibilities:
  •  Study:
    1. your Laboratory Safety Plan and Working After Hours Guidelines
    2. the chapters of the Laboratory Safety Manual  relevant to your research (here)
    3. other information provided by your supervisor
  • Complete the appropriate training and orientation programs provided by the Department of Health and Safety and any additional training required for your research, i.e., Safety 1000, etc.
  • Sign the Laboratory Personnel Participation Agreement for the TIMS facility indicating that you understand all the regulations required of you for working in the research laboratory


1. Safety Equipment
  • Safety glasses/goggles to be worn at all times for experimental work.
  • Lab coats must be worn at all times when performing laboratory experiments.
  • Disposable gloves to be worn when carrying out any chemical reaction.
  • The fume hood should be operated with the sash raised to the appropriate level as indicated on side of the hood. When not in use the sash should be lowered to 4-6” from the bottom.
  • Fire extinguishers: All lab members have an understanding of how to handle a fire extinguisher and know whereabouts of nearest fire safety equipment and alarm is located.
  • Eyewash and shower: All lab members should know of their whereabouts and their proper use.
  • All accidents resulting in injury or major spills must be reported to your supervisor and to departmental administration. A lab accident/ incident report must be completed.
  • Spill kits: Located in the ‘Safety Equipment’ area of the lab. Instructions for use are on the containers
  • HF gel: Available in the ‘Safety equipment’ are of the lab. To be used in the event of an HF spill on you. Follow instructions, report to S. Strong and seek medical attention.
2. First Aid Kits and First Aid Responders
  • Become familiar with the first aid responders in your area. The list of responders is posted in the lab.
  • Become familiar with the properties of the hazardous products used.
  • Familiarize yourself with the contents of the first aid kit.
3. Records
  • Lab Log Book must contain an accurate record of what you have done and what you plan to do. Include comments on hazards where appropriate. Undergraduate students and other new students must not carry out new experiments without authorization from their supervisor).
  • Inventory must be kept up-to-date and chemicals must not be used before they have been entered in the inventory. The inventory is available in the lab as well as electronically. Please see Sherri Strong to update inventory.
  • Loans - All equipment loans to users outside of the lab must be recorded in the Log book and be updated upon return, NOTE: Chemicals are not to be loaned. Please ask S. Strong if equipment and/or chemicals can be loaned/removed from the lab.
4. Chemicals

You should read section 5.5 and 5.6 in the LSM dealing with toxic, reactive and time sensitive chemicals that your lab may be working with.

  • MSDS for each chemical must be available in the lab and up to date.
  • Storage: Stock bottles of chemicals must be stored appropriately in corrosive cabinets.
  • Labeling should be done clearly and indelibly.
  • Fume hoods must be used according to safety guidelines.
  • Chemicals must be handled with the appropriate safety equipment as outlined in the MSDS.
  • Flammable materials must be handled away from all sources of ignition and stock bottles are to be stored in flammable cabinets
5. Housekeeping
  • All outer wear (jackets, sweaters, scarves) must not enter kept the lab area. Lab shoes or disposable booties must be worn at all times.
  • Keep lab clean and tidy at all times and clear floors of tripping hazards.
  • Food or drink must not be consumed in the laboratory. This will be viewed as a serious breach of laboratory practice!
  • Broken glassware must be disposed of immediately in the proper broken glass container
  • Make sure that all lab doors are closed, clean boxes/ fume hoods are closed and lights are off before leaving
6. Visitors
  • No unauthorized visitors are permitted in the lab.
  • Do not share access codes to labs unless it is for safety purposes (i.e. using the buddy system – section 9)
7. Evacuation from Building

When the fire alarm sounds exit the building quickly and safely using the closest exit. Obey instructions by Fire wardens and do not use elevators. The muster station is located outside Parking Lot 7A which is adjacent to the Engineering Building.

8. Working in Laboratories after Regular Hours

The Working Alone definition is when both of the following conditions exist:

  1. A worker is working by themselves in an office, laboratory, instrument room or workshop.
  2. Assistance, in the event of an injury, illness or emergency, is not readily available to the worker.
  • MUN Health and Safety states that no one should work alone in the laboratory after normal working hours (9 am to 5 pm).
  • You must use the buddy system if you work after hours (5 pm to 9 am or at the weekend) and not work alone. Your "buddy" must be nearby so that he/she can call for help in an emergency. A "buddy" can be a fellow student graduate, faculty member or co-worker.
  • Undergraduate students are not permitted to work in the lab outside of normal working hours.

The following procedures should be followed when working after hours:

  1. You must inform S. Strong (e.g. by email) if you plan to work after hours, and specify the time period, the name and location of your “buddy” and the work that you plan to undertake.
  2. You and your “buddy” should communicate with each other at least every 30 min.
  3. Call MUN’s Emergency number, 864-4100 (cell) -4100 (university phone), if you have any concerns.
9. Individual Safety Assessment

Safety is the top priority, and you have the right to refuse work that you do not feel is safe. There are minimum standards for safety defined by the University and this document, but you need to further identify and assess hazards in your work and laboratory to ensure that you, your co-workers, and visitors to your laboratory are safe.

11. Laboratory Personnel Participation Agreement for TIMS Facility.

Once you have read the TIMS facility Lab Safety Plan and reviewed the MSDS for the chemicals you will be using, please see Sherri Strong to sign the Laboratory Personnel Participation Agreement for the TIMS Facility.