General Information

Safety Lab Policies
Data access
Data Processing

MUN users

C-CART offers training on almost all its instruments for hands-on use (see exceptions on instrumentation description). Users will need to register with C-CART first and then discuss training with the appropriate staff. Training will be provided only once the user is ready to run his/her own samples.

After registration, C-CART users can login to all the computers within the C-CART facility (instrument and processing computers) using their MUN credentials. It also gives them secured access to their own data. The data are all saved on a server and backed up at two levels.

C-CART users will also be given access to the online scheduler. The online scheduler is used to book instrument time as well as for important communication from the facility. Use of an instrument without prior booking will not be tolerated.

Infrequent MUN users may also submit samples to be run by the facility staff. To that end, they should contact directly the person in charge of the instrumentation for more details.

External academic users

External academic users can either sign up with C-CART for on-hand use of the facility or submit samples to C-CART staff. In the latter case, they should contact directly the person in charge of the instrumentation for more details.

Non-academic users

Non-academic users are welcome to submit samples to C-CART staff. They should contact the person in charge of the instrumentation for more details.