Experiments currently available on Bruker Avance 300

This list is not exhaustive, experiments will be added on request.

Obs. nuclei Exp. Name Parameters Description


pulse prog.: zg30

 1H observe with 30o pulse

SW: 20.6 ppm, TD: 65k, O1p: 6.175 ppm, D1: 1 s, ns: 16.

exp. time: 2 mins

Provides chemical shift  and JH-X couplings information for structure determination.

Adjustable parameters: TD0 (number of cycle)



pulse prog.: zgpr

 1H observe with water supression

SW: 12.12 ppm, TD: 32k, O1p: 4.7 ppm, d1: 5 s, ns: 8.

exp. time: 2mins

Used to minimize/eliminate the intense water signal for samples in H2O/D2O solvent.

Adjustable parameters: TD0 (number of cycle)



pulse prog.: zg30

1H observe with 30o pulse, extra wide sweep width

SW: 50 ppm, TD: 65k, O1p: 0 ppm, d1: 1s, ns: 16

exp. time: 2 mins

Used on paramagnetic samples. Provides chemical shift and JH-X couplings information for structure determination

Adjustable parameters: TD0 (number of cycle)



pulse prog: zg30

1H observe with 30o pulse, for vaiable temperature

SW: 20.6 ppm, TD: 65k, O1p: 6.175 ppm, D1: 1 s, ns: 16.

exp. time: 2 mins

Variable temperature experiment. Provides chemical shift and JH-X couplings information for structure determination.

Adjustable parameters: TD0 (number of cycle), TE (temperature)



pulse prog.: cosygpqf

 2D homonuclear shift correlation using gradient pulse for selection

TD2: 2048, TD1: 128, d1: 1.5 s, ns: 1

expt: 4 mins

Used for correlating protons over 2- or more bonds.

This is a composite experiment. It will first run a 1H spectrum to adjust SW and O1p.

Magnitude mode phasing.



pulse prog.: noesygpph


2D homonuclear correlation via dipolar coupling, using gradient pulse in mixing time, phase sensitive (States-TPPI)

TD2: 1K, TD1: 256, d1: 1.3 s, d8 (mixing time): 500 ms , ns: 4

expt: 43 mins.

Establishing NOEs. Dipolar coupling may be due to NOE or chemical exchange. Suitable for small (Mr<1000) and large (Mr>2000) molecules (positive and negative NOE, respectively).

This is a composite experiment. It will first run a 1H spectrum to adjust SW and O1p.



pulse prog.: zgpg30

 13C observe with 1H power-gated decoupling, using 30o pulse

SW: 238.8 ppm, TD: 65k, O1p: 100 ppm, d1: 2s, ns: 256

expt: 17 mins

Provides chemical shift information for structure determination.

NS optimized for 20mg/ml concentration.

Adjustable parameters: TD0 (number of cycle)



pulse prog.: zgpg30

 13C observe with 1H power-gated decoupling, using 30o pulse

SW: 238.8 ppm, TD: 65k, O1p: 100 ppm, d1: 2s, ns: 256

expt: 8h

Overnight experiment. Provides chemical shift information for structure determination.

NS optimized for low concentration <5mg/ml.




pulse prog.: dept135

13C observe with Distortionless Enhancement of the 13C signal strength by Polarization Transfer from proton to carbon using 135° proton pulse

SW: 238.8 ppm, TD: 65k, O1p: 100ppm, d1: 2 s, ns: 16

expt: 1 min

Distinguishes between CH3/CH (normally shown in a positive phase) and CH2 (negative phase); quaternary carbons are not detected.

NS optimized for 20mg/ml concentration

Adjustable parameters: TD0 (number of cycle)



pulse prog.:jmod

13C observe with J-modulated spin-echo coupled to proton to determine a number of attached protons

 SW: 238.8 ppm, TD: 65k, O1p: 100 ppm, d1: 2s, ns: 16

expt: 4 min

 Distinguishes between CH3/CH (normally shown in a positive phase) and CH2/C (negative phase).

NS optimized for 20mg/ml concentration

Adjustable parameters: TD0 (number of cycle)



pulse prog.:zggd30

13C observe with gated decoupling using 30 degree flip angle

SW: 238.8 ppm TD: 65k, O1p: 100 ppm, d1: 2s, ns: 1k

expt: 2 min

 Observe 1H-coupled spectrum. Provides JC-H couplings information.

NS optimized for 20mg/ml concentration

Adjustable parameters: TD0 (number of cycle)



pulse prog.: hsqcedetgp


2D 1H-13C correlation via double inept transfer with multiplicity editing during selection step, using trim pulses in inept transfer, decoupling during acquisition, phase sensitive using Echo/Antiecho-TPPI gradient selection.

TD2: 1k, TD1: 256, d1: 1.5, ns:2

expt: 14 min

Correlates 1H and 13C connected by C-H coupling over 1 bond. Destinguishes between CH3, CH (generally positive) and CH2 (negative).

This is a composite experiment. It will first run a 1H spectrum to adjust SW and O1p.



pulse prog.: zgfhigqn

 19F observe with inverse gated 1H decoupling

SW: 237 ppm, TD: 130k, d1: 1 s, ns: 16. Referenced to CFCl3 at 0 ppm.

expt: 40s

 Provides chemical shift information for structure determination and JF-X couplings information.

Adjustable parameters: TD0 (number of cycle)



pulse prog.: zgpg30

 31P observe with inverse gated 1H decoupling

SW: 403 ppm, TD: 65k, d1: 2 s, ns: 16. Referenced to H3PO4 at 0 ppm.

expt: 1 min

 Provides chemical shift information for structure determination and JP-X couplings information.

Adjustable parameters: TD0 (number of cycle)



pulse prog.: zgig

 29Si observe with inverse gated decoupling

SW: 400 ppm, TD: 65k, d1: 5s, ns: 128. Referenced to 1% TMS at 0 ppm.

expt: 14min

Provides chemical shift information for structure determination and JSi-X couplings information

Require special silicon-free tube.

Adjustable parameters: TD0 (number of cycle)



pulse prog.: ineptrd

 29Si observe with INEPT for non-selective polarization transfer with decoupling during acquisition

SW: 400 ppm, TD: 32k, d1: 5s, ns: 256. Referenced to 1% TMS at 0 ppm.

expt: 24 min

 Provides chemical shift information for structure determination and JSi-X couplings information.

Only works for protonated Si.

Adjustable parameters: TD0 (number of cycle)



pulse prog.: zg

 27Al observe

SW: 500 ppm, TD: 32k, d1: 1s, ns: 16. Referenced to Al(NO3)3 at 0 ppm.

expt: 25s

 Provides chemical shift information for structure determination

Adjustable parameters: TD0 (number of cycle)



pulse prog.: ineptrd

 15N observe with INEPT for non-selective polarization transfer with decoupling during acquisition

SW: 500 ppm, TD: 32k, d1: 5s, ns: 32.

expt: 4 min

 Provides chemical shift information for structure determination

Requires 15N-enriched sample

Adjustable parameters: TD0 (number of cycle)



pulse prog.: zg30

 7Li observe with 30 degree pulse

SW: 200 ppm, TD: 16k, d1: 5s, ns: 16. Referenced to 20mg/ml LiCl at 0 ppm.

expt: 2 min

 Provides chemical shift information for structure determination

Adjustable parameters: TD0 (number of cycle)



pulse prog.: zg

 11B observe

SW: 200 ppm, TD: 64k, d1: 1s, ns: 16. Referenced to 5% BF3.OEt3 at 0 ppm.

expt: 1 min

 Provides chemical shift information for structure determination

Adjustable parameters: TD0 (number of cycle)