COMP 4723: Introduction to Microprocessors

This course will be of interest to students who want to gain knowledge of embedded systems with microcontrollers.

Lab In addition to classes, this course has one structured laboratory session per week.

Prerequisites:  COMP 2003 or the former COMP 3724

Availability: ⚠ This course is not planned to be offered in the near future.

Course Objectives

To develop an understanding of the organization of programming languages and the runtime behaviour of programs and to introduce basic concepts of formal description of programming languages.

Representative Workload
  • Labs 15%
  • In-class Exam 15%
  • Project 40%
  • Final Exam 30%
Representative Course Outline
  • Introduction to C
  • Basic circuits
  • Basic architecture of the ATMEL processor
  • Assembly language programming
  • On-chip components
  • Serial peripherals
  • Analog/digital control
  • Electronics
  • Applications
  • Structured laboratory sessions will run for the first six or seven weeks, after which the laboratory time will be devoted to project development.

Page last updated May 24th 2021