Current Faculty

Mark D. Berry
Mark D. Berry
Professor and Department Head | Biochemistry |

My research is in the health and disease relevance of a family of G protein-coupled receptors. This work combines cell culture, animal models, and various pharmacological and biochemical signalling assays.

T: 709-864-8529 | E: | O: CSF 2211H |

Robert Bertolo
Robert Bertolo
Professor | Biochemistry | 

My research explores how early nutrition can permanently change metabolism, increasing the risk for diseases later in life. More specifically, we delve into the role of amino acids, creatine and vitamins in liver and intestinal metabolism and how early nutritional stresses can program metabolism. We use the surgically altered pig as a model for the human and trace nutrients through metabolic pathways using isotope kinetics.

T: 709-864-7954 | E: | O: CSF 4239 |

Valerie Booth
Valerie Booth
Professor | Biochemistry
T: 709-864-4523 | E: | O: CSF 3237 |

Robert Brown
Robert Brown
Associate Professor | Biochemistry
T: 709-864-8678 | E: | O: CSF 4240 |

Janet Brunton
Janet Brunton
Professor | Biochemistry | Deputy Head (Undergraduate Studies)
T: 709-864-8533 | E: | O: CSF 4238 |

Sukhinder K. Cheema
Sukhinder K. Cheema
University Research Professor | Biochemistry
T: 709-864-3987 | E: | O: CSF 4237 |

Sherri Christian
Sherri Christian
Professor | Biochemistry | Deputy Head (Graduate Studies)

My research is on how cells communicate with their environment. Specifically, I focus on the role and regulation of extracellular vesicles (EVs), nanoparticles secreted by all cells, in normal B cell development and the use of EVs in monitoring leukemia. I am also interested in the interaction between breast cancer cells and fat cells.

T: 709-864-8550 | E: | O: CSF 3239 |

Zahra Farahnak
Zahra Farahnak
Assistant Professor | Biochemistry

My lab investigates the effects of nutrition and exercise on body composition, focusing on fat, muscle and bone tissues in both pre-clinical and clinical settings. We aim to develop preventive strategies through nutrition and exercise to optimize body composition and improve health span.

T: 709-864-3597 | E: | O: CSF 4242 |

Scott Harding
Scott Harding
Associate Professor | Biochemistry

The resource burden cardiometabolic diseases place on healthcare systems is staggering. My research group aims to better understand how and why certain foods, dietary patterns, and lifestyle choices promote health while others promote disease. Our research focuses on physiological and metabolic aspects of dietary sugars and fats that change with changes in lifestyle factors (e.g. sleep and exercise). We are also studying the impact of public health policies that are aimed at reducing obesity and chronic disease burdens in the Newfoundland and Labrador population (e.g. sugar tax).  

Pavan Kakumani
Assistant Professor | Biochemistry

My research program primarily focuses on elucidating small RNA-guided post-transcriptional gene regulatory mechanisms underlying human health and disease. It includes cellular, molecular, and biochemical approaches coupled with functional genomics, aimed at characterization of proteins involved in small RNA function and gene expression, with implications in cell fate determination and death.

T: 709-864-2501 | E: | O: CSF 4241 |

Shyamchand Mayengbam
Shyamchand Mayengbam
Assistant Professor | Biochemistry
T: 709-864-2761 | E: | O: CSF 3234 |

Jaeok Park
Jaeok Park
Assistant Professor | Biochemistry

Fereidoon Shahidi
Fereidoon Shahidi
University Research Professor | Biochemistry

My research interests are focused on food chemistry/biochemistry with emphasis on bioactives from plant, animal and other sources.
Nutraceuticals, functional foods and dietary supplements constitute the core of this programme and these include phenolics and polyphenolics, natural antioxidants, omega-3 and other specialty oils, lipid oxidation, lipid biotechnology,  protein hydrolysates and biopeptides, bioactives in health promotion and disease risk reduction, seafood (fish, shellfish, marine mammals), by-product utilization in zero-waste circular economy, aquaculture and process induced chemical changes in food.

T: 709-864-8552 | E: | O: CSF 4243 |

Amy Todd
Amy Todd
Assistant Professor | Biochemistry

I study Life-Sciences Pedagogy in the context of Higher Education, with a focus on long-term retention and transfer, metacognition, inclusive and Universal Design for Learning (UDL), and the impact of student health and lifestyle on various aspects of learning. My work ranges from the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL), with studies examining the impact of instructional strategies within courses, to broader, longitudinal studies that explore impacts on learning within and beyond academic programming.

T: 709-864-8549 | E: | O: CSF 3227 |

Katie Wilson
Katie Wilson
Assistant Professor | Biochemistry

My research uses multiscale computational modeling to obtain high-resolution dynamic structural and mechanistic information about biochemical processes. Specifically, I am interested in understanding the structure and function of glycosyltransferase enzymes and the effects of the resulting glycans on modulating biochemical processes related to human health and disease.

T: 709-864-6131 | E: | O: CSF 3236 |

Dr. Hélène Volkoff
Dr. Hélène Volkoff
Professor | Biology | Biochemistry

I do research in fish endocrinology with a focus on the regulation of food intake and reproduction. My work ranges from in vivo treatments and behavioural observations to molecular biology.

T: 709-864-2140 | E: | O: CSF 4339 |