Update on Blundon Centre Review Report Recommendations

Mar 16th, 2017

Jennifer Batten

Update on Blundon Centre Review Report Recommendations

Since the release of the Glenn Roy Blundon Centre Review Report in Nov. 2016, Memorial University has been moving forward to address the recommendations presented in the report, and has initiated a comprehensive consultation process to revise the Accommodations for Students with Disabilities Policy.

Immediately following the release of the report, three working groups were formed to identify practical ways to improve structures and supports for students.

The Technical Changes to Enhance Processes Working Group is addressing the recommendations for necessary technical and digital changes, including an update of the Blundon Centre website, as well as enhancements to the processes of the centre; the Space Improvement Working Group is addressing the recommendations related to improving the physical space of the centre, and is currently finalizing plans for proposed changes to the fourth floor space. It is expected that this project will go to tender within the next few weeks and work will be completed during the summer months in preparation for the fall 2017 semester.

A major outcome of the implementation of the review recommendations is the adoption of the Clockwork online program at Memorial. The implementation of Clockwork will enable the Blundon Centre to better manage student information, create custom forms, generate accommodation letters, and schedule appointments, tests and exams.  The program will improve the centre’s overall efficiency in responding to student requests and making arrangements with faculty, and will also assist the centre with record-keeping. It is also expected that Clockwork will increase accessibility for students, including those who require the use of assistive technology, such as large print software.

The Clockwork pilot program is currently being completed with the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science, and it is anticipated that the program will be fully implemented by fall 2017.

The policy redevelopment process is currently in the research and drafting stage. It is expected that a revised draft policy will be prepared and shared with the entire university community, including students, faculty and staff across all campuses, for consultation in late summer and early fall 2017.

Memorial is confident that the revised policy and procedures for accommodations for students with disabilities will provide a strong foundation in support of our commitment to accessibility for all students and will complement Memorial's ongoing efforts to enhance infrastructure, programming and delivery of supports.

Further updates on the steps being taken to address the recommendations presented in the review report will be shared with the university as they become available.

The full review report and related action plan are available here