The Call for Session Proposals and Abstracts is now CLOSED. Visit the IFISH 5 Website for registration and program information.
Hosted by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) in collaboration with SafetyNet.
Key themes for IFISH5 will include topics on safety in commercial fishing and occupational health and safety issues related to aquaculture and seafood processing. We anticipate that the agenda will include occupational safety and health studies highlighting collaboration with industry, evaluations of interventions, improvements to protective gear such as personal flotation devices, fisheries management and safety relationships, and the economic impacts of occupational safety and health.
Call for Session Proposals and Abstracts
IFISH5 organizers are inviting proposals for regular session proposals (including sessions, panels, roundtables, and workshops) and abstracts for presentations, "quick takes", and poster formats.
Deadline: October 31, 2017
More information, including submission templates, can be found at https://ifishconference.ca/.
Questions about submissions may be addressed by sending an e-mail to ifish@mun.ca.
Hold the Date and Registration
Registration, Accommodations and Conference Program Information will be available on our website, https://ifishconference.ca/ beginning January 15, 2018.