
News Release

REF NO.: 10

SUBJECT: Popular kids program starts this weekend at Memorial University

DATE: September 20, 2012

This Saturday, Sept. 22, is the start of the School of Human Kinetics (HKR) and Recreation Physical Literacy Experience for children.
Nearly every Saturday during the academic year, HKR students will be in the Physical Education building gymnasium for two movement sessions that are open to children from walking to age five.
The PLE program, which had its start more than 20 years ago, is an opportunity for young children and their parents/guardians to explore movement activities, and for undergraduate and graduate students to observe and interact with young children in a movement environment.
The program is part of an experiential learning experience for courses in physical education in the School of Human Kinetics and Recreation. All those involved with the program have a background in, or are learning about, physical activity for young children.
Visit www.mun.ca/hkr for the full schedule. For more information about the program, contact Dr. Tim Fletcher at (709) 864-8674 or email tfletcher@mun.ca.  

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