
News Release

REF NO.: 113

SUBJECT: Consultation sessions scheduled for task force on competitive sports at Memorial University

DATE: May 6, 2013

Memorial University has scheduled consultation sessions as part of the task force reviewing the role of competitive sports at the university. The task force has a mandate to carry out a formal review of the current competitive interuniversity (varsity) sports program at Memorial that will inform the development of the varsity sports program from 2013-20.
Several internal and external stakeholder groups have been identified by the task force for consultation to assist in the gathering of information. The sessions will explore feedback on what is working well and what areas need added support, gather feedback on competitive sport opportunities in their current form and identify areas that could provide future potential.
Dr. Mary Bluechardt, vice-president (Grenfell Campus) and the chairperson of the task force, said it is important for individuals to participate in the process to help shape the future direction for competitive sports at Memorial.
“The current task force is an opportunity to explore the needs of varsity and competitive sport at Memorial and to create a successful environment for student-athletes, coaches and the program in general,” said Dr. Bluechardt. “It is an exciting opportunity to hear from our various stakeholders and explore ideas and generate recommendations through a multi-campus lens. I want to encourage anyone interested to become involved in shaping our future direction.
We are looking forward to advancing the program to the next level through the recommendations made from the task force.”
A schedule for stakeholder consultations is as follows:
• Current student-athletes at Memorial University – Friday, May 10, 12 p.m.,
• St. John’s campus community – Friday, May 24, 12 p.m., PE-2001
• Faculty and staff in the School of Human Kinetics and Recreation – Monday, May 27, 12 p.m., PE-3007
• Current varsity coaches – Monday, May 27, 7 p.m., PE-3007
• The Works board of directors/management team – Tuesday, May 28, 12 p.m. Field House Multi-Purpose Room
• Grenfell Campus community – Wednesday, May 29, 12 p.m., AS-2026
• Volunteer coaches at Grenfell Campus – Wednesday, May 29, 5 p.m.,  AS-2026
• Members of the Corner Brook community – Wednesday, May 29, 7 p.m.,  AS-2026
• Members of the St. John’s community – Thursday, May 30, 7 p.m., room PE-2001.
• Marine Institute community – Friday, May 31, 12 p.m., room W-2048
Those unable to attend the consultation sessions but interested in providing feedback to the task force can do so online at www.goseahawks.ca/taskforce.php.

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