
News Release

REF NO.: 231

SUBJECT: PSA: New webinars at Memorial aim to ease transition to university

DATE: August 17, 2012

This year, as part of pre-Orientation 2012, Memorial is offering new online webinars for students and their families to better prepare them for the transition to university. The webinars, Fast Facts for Families and New Student, present a variety of information to assist students and their families in the preparation for university life.
These new webinars are a partnership between the Office of Student Recruitment and Student Success Programs at Student Affairs and Services.
The Fast Facts for Families webinars will take place between Aug. 19-23 and the New Student webinar will take place Aug. 26-30.
For more information about specific times and how to access the webinars, visit www.mun.ca/become/undergrad/webinars.php. .

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