
News Release

REF NO.: 221

SUBJECT: PSA: Job Lecture to discuss drugs from bugs and other natural sources

DATE: June 2, 2011

Is the era of discovery of new drugs from natural sources ending? A presentation by Dr. John Vederas, the Department of Chemistry’s 2011 Job Visiting Professor, will examine some of the current problems faced by drug discovery efforts that employ natural sources. He will also describe some exciting possibilities offered by emerging discoveries and new technologies.
            Dr. Vederas is the Canada Research Chair in Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry with the Department of Chemistry at the University of Alberta. His public lecture, Drugs from Bugs and Other Natural Sources: An Endless Frontier or is the Bloom Off the Rose?, will take place June 15 at 3:30 p.m. in the Science Building, St. John’s Campus of Memorial University, room SN-2109. A wine and cheese reception will follow.

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