
News Release

REF NO.: 0

SUBJECT: Grenfell: Presentation and discussion on public art at Grenfell College Art Gallery

DATE: March 18, 2009

                 In conjunction with the exhibition Cities: John Hartman, the Grenfell Art Gallery is hosting a public presentation and discussion on public art featuring keynote speaker Sheila Perry, director of The Rooms Provincial Art Gallery and founding superintendent of the City of Calgary Public Art Program. The presentation will be held Thursday, March 19, 6-7 p.m. with reception to follow.
                 A coherent public art program that incorporates art into city initiatives such as the new city hall, public gardens and green spaces has been shown to produce a good working environment, attract businesses and generally, make a city a more pleasant place in which to live. Canadian cities from Toronto to Vancouver to Fredericton each have public art programs and policies in place. Many of these cities are portrayed in the current gallery exhibition. 
                 The City of Calgary Public Art Program, for instance, is expected to invest $20 million in public art over the next five years. Keynote speaker Sheila Perry will show examples of public art, discuss public art programs and funding possibilities.
                 Ms. Perry holds a BA in art history and classics from the University of Alberta, a master of museum studies from the University of Leicester, England, and a master of business administration from the University of Alberta.
                 All are welcome to attend the lecture and reception.

The gallery gratefully acknowledges the support of Canada Council for the Arts for this lecture and to Scotiabank for its support of the exhibition Cities: John Hartman.

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