
News Release

REF NO.: 194

SUBJECT: WISE NL seeks female applicants for student employment program

DATE: May 22, 2008

              Women in Science and Engineering Newfoundland and Labrador (WISE NL) is accepting applications from Grade 11 female students looking for work experience for its Student Summer Employment Program (SSEP).
            The program offers first-hand experience with careers in science and engineering through paid research positions to female students in Grade 11. Applicants do not have to be strongly committed to careers in these areas, but simply interested in finding out more about them.
            Mercia Conway, program administrator, WISE NL, says 2008 will be an exciting year for WISE SSEP.
            “On April 25, 2008, new funding from the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador’s Department of Human Resources, Labour and Employment, was announced and we are also pleased to announce we have received a three-year grant from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) PromoScience. This new funding has ensured the continuity of WISE SSEP and allows our program to expand with a special emphasis on Labrador this year.”        
            Currently in its 19th year, the program has successfully placed more than 600 young women in research positions at Memorial University and its partner
organizations. This year, about 27 full-time paid research positions are available. The eight-week program begins July 2, and runs through Aug. 27. Positions will be primarily available in St. John’s, Rocky Harbour and surrounding areas.
            WISE NL is a non-profit, volunteer organization that aims to increase the participation of women in science, technology, engineering and mathematics careers by increasing awareness that these professions are rewarding and exciting options for women. WISE also provides mentoring, professional development and networking opportunities to facilitate the success of women in these fields and advocates for equitable workplaces.       
            Application packages have been sent to high schools throughout the province. Interested candidates can also visit www.cdli.ca/wise/ssep. Due to overwhelming response, the application deadline has been extended to May 30, 2008. For more information, contact Mercia Conway at (709) 737-2484 or mercia@engr.mun.ca.

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