
News Release

REF NO.: 0

SUBJECT: PSA: Come skate with us!

DATE: February 8, 2008

Memorial University alumni, faculty, and staff are invited to enjoy an afternoon family skate at Mile One Centre, St. John’s on Sunday, March 9, at 3:45 p.m. Bring your children along to meet Memorial’s own Sammy the Sea-Hawk and join us afterwards in the Skater’s Lobby at ice level for Jumping Bean Coffee Company’s coffee, hot chocolate and cookies!
Date:                          Sunday, March 9, 2008
Ice Time:                   3:45 p.m. – 4:50 p.m. followed by refreshments
Cost:                          $2 per person and a non-perishable food item for community                       food banks.
            To purchase tickets, please email rsvpalumni@mun.ca or call the Office of Alumni Affairs and Development at 737-4354.
            This event is sponsored by the Worklife Programs Office and Alumni Affairs and Development, Memorial University.

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