


Crossroads for Classics

Check out the Gazette to learn how Dr. Luke Roman (Dept of Classics) is working with partners from around the world (and the support of a prestigious SSHRC grant) to transform the discipline of Classics. Read more.



LIFE AND LOVE In the City of Death: Hyper-locality in the new Mexican Antigone

The Department of Classics and the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences invite you to join Dr. Andrés Carrete from the Univeristy of Texas, Austin, for this public talk. 



Congrats to All Students Named to the 2021-2022 Dean's List!

Congratulations to all students named to the 2021-2022 Dean's List, as well as the Program Book Prize winners, and receipients of the Dean's Award for Academic Excellence, and the HSS International Student Excellence Award. 


Finding an elective has never been easier

The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS) has hundreds of courses that have zero or one prerequisite. To make it easy for our students to find electives of interest, we have launched a searchable listing of electives that you can browse by semester and subject. 


Fall Welcome Session for New Students

On Sept. 6, the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences is hosting a welcome event to help new students get started on the right track. At this interactive event, you'll hear from the Dean and Associate Dean of Curriculum and Programs, learn more about areas of study in HSS, and meet other HSS students! Register now:


New Certificate in the History & Philosophy of Science & Technology

A unique offering in Atlantic Canada, the new certificate program will challenge students to think critically and analytically about the consequences of past, present and future technological innovations on human existence, and the world we inhabit. It will also augment a student’s understanding of engineering and the natural sciences by raising their awareness of the development of those sciences, and the social issues associated with them. Read the Gazette story about this certificate program.


HSS Commons Student Space Cozier Than Ever

When we think of university campuses, we picture lecture halls and labs. But what about a space for that time between classes? It is equally essential to have a comfortable space to study or kick back and relax between lectures. The newly refurbished Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS) Commons, in SN-1107, offers HSS students such a space. Check out this Gazette article on why interim Dean, Dr. Craig, wanted to rejuvenate this space for students. 


Wonder Wall: How well do YOU know the classics

It might not have taken as long to build as the Roman Colosseum, but a new Classics display was years in the making. Read all about it, and five fun facts you'll learn from it, in the Gazette.



There was a new model of learning in classics 4010/6003 this semester. Literally.

Check out the Gazette story "Fitting teaching tool" to see why LEGOs were the building blocks of learning in classics 4010/6003 this semester.


Classics student travel fund

Applications are accepted on a rolling basis throughout the academic year. However, applicants are advised to apply at least 1 month prior to the proposed travel date. The maximum amount available for any given project is $1500. 



Meet Tana Allen


Tana Allen is an associate professor with the Department of Classics. Trained as a classical archaeologist, she is interested in the ways that evidence from all aspects of material culture can inform our understanding of social interactions in the Roman world.

Her philosophy in regards to research?

Be open to all paths of enquiry because so many questions have yet to be asked.

Read more about Dr. Allen here.


Classics in Newfoundland and Classical Treasures

A two-part exhibition highlighting the presence of Greco-Roman antiquity in the cultural heritage of Newfoundland and Labrador and the current collections of the QE2 library. It offers a unique opportunity to reflect on the distinctive legacy of ancient Greece and Rome in the province in both archival materials and beautiful printed editions of the early modern period.


Runs until end of March.



Meet grad student Kara Hickson

Kara Hickson is the recipient of the Terra Nova Aboriginal Student Scholarship.Her master’s thesis looks at the construction of ethnicity in ancient Greek culture and colonization.

"Once I have a significant understanding of ancient colonization in Greece, I would like to compare and contrast aspects of my findings to the colonization of the “New World”, how the cultural identities of the colonizers and Indigenous groups were influenced and effected. It would allow me to further my own understanding of my people and their struggle that is still continuing to this day."

Read more about Kara here.


"We are the ancient Greeks and Romans"

Professor Milo Nikolic is a former engineer who transitioned to classics at the age of 30+. He is working on bringing new perspectives to pressing current problems such as the supply of clean water and environmental degradation and says there is an ancient precedent for almost every modern question we face. Get illuminated and read more here.


Harry Potter and the stories of Greece and Rome

Some classics department faculty members went the extra mile to teach #storiesofgreeceandrome to some young readers recently. Read the story in the Gazette.



Classics student receives major scholarship

Congratulations to Rebecca Ford and Lacy Custance, the Heaslip scholars for 2017 - the largest award for undergraduate students available at Memorial University of Newfoundland. Rebecca is a second year student doing a double major in history and classics. Read more about Lacy & Rebecca in the Gazette.


Course on Sports in the Ancient World!

CLAS 3500: Sport and Athletics in Ancient Society

Winter 2018: Monday and Wednesday 12:30 - 13:45

Course on the Environment in Ancient Greece and Rome!

Classics 2902: The Environment of the Greeks and Romans

 Winter 2018: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 11:00 - 11:50 AM



New Classics Seminar, Winter Term!

Constructions of Gender in Athenian Tragedy

CLAS 4020: Seminar in Greek Literature and Culture

Tuesday and Thursday 10:30 - 11:45 AM

(Note the new correct time slot!)

Classics 1001: A new Classics CRW Course in the Winter Semester!

Classics 1001   Critical Reading Writing: Classics in Popular Culture

Winter Semester 2018   Time: M W F 10:00 - 10:50  Classroom:  A 1049




Classics conference

The Classics Association of Canada's national conference was held at Memorial in May 2017.  Read more about it in the Gazette.

Who we are, what we do: Classics

Discover the various paths our students and faculty have taken to arrive at studying and teaching classics here at Memorial in Who We Are, What We Do:  Classics.



New Classics Website

The Classics Department is introducing a new webpage for faculty and students, current and future.