Kindness October

Nov 14th, 2011


Kindness October

During the month of October, members of the department participated in a number of charitable giving opportunities.

As part of Memorial University's I Love MUNdays celebration, we contributed to the Community Youth Network's Street Reach program by raising ~$150 in toiletries and personal care items.  This program provides food, resources, information and support to at-risk youth.

On October 7th, the Campus Foodbank rewarded us for our "winning" contributions to last June's Twelve Days of Giving food drive.  They provided refreshments and goodies for an afternoon coffee event in recognition of the department being the overall points "champion" (once again!).

The same event doubled as our annual Alzheimer Society Coffee Break.  Donations in the Alzheimer's Society blue box came to $50.50.

Lastly, as he has done for the past three years, Dr. John Robinson ran the Cape-to-Cabot road race on October 16th.  Described as the toughest race in Eastern North America, Dr. Robinson completed the 20 km course in just over two hours, a very commendable time.  To salute his efforts, we raised $253 for donation to a charity of his choice, once again the Alzheimer Society.

We did well, thanks everyone!