Business Writing *ONLINE*
$525 + HST
Next Offering
May 26, 2025
09:00 AM -
04:30 PM (NST)
Learn or revisit the basics of business writing and improve your written communication skills.
Better Business Writing teaches the basics of grammar and punctuation and demonstrates writing techniques appropriate for today's business environment. The seminar emphasizes common writing challenges and teaches proper use of writing approach, tone, document structure, word choice, grammar, and punctuation to ensure that the message is effective and suited to the audience.
Participants engage in practice exercises and activities to prepare written documents incorporating the techniques learned and receive feedback from fellow participants and the instructor. This interactive learning environment provides the opportunity for immediate improvements in writing style and technique.
This course is beneficial for managers, supervisors and professionals who want to learn or refresh business writing skills.
Key Learning Outcomes
- Understanding writing fundamentals
- Using grammar and punctuation
- Exploring word choice and its impact
- Identifying writing considerations: audience, purpose, message
- Writing with a direct and indirect approach
- Using visual set-up image
- Writing techniques for business correspondence - letters, memos, reports
- Protocols when using email
Course Duration: 1 day | Continuing Education Contact Hours: 7
This course is part of the Professional Communication Skills Program.
What Our Clients Say
"Organizations and businesses should allow this learning opportunity for employees to be more effective in writing." - Winter 2023 Participant
"We learned a lot more than I thought I would. Very informative and engaging. I took a lot out of this course and can't wait to use the information learned, back in my position. Can't wait for the next course. Highly recommend." - Sherry Melvin, Memorial University
"No matter how well you can write, this seminar will make you better at it." - Sean Kelly, Gateway Strategies
"This seminar was even more valuable than I expected! Lynn is fantastic with a wealth of knowledge to share with today's communicators." - Tanya Alexander, College of the North Atlantic
Course Endorsements & Partnerships
This course qualifies as credits toward the International Association of Business Communicators' (IABC) professional certifications.
When applying to sit for either the exam for Communications Management Professional (CMP)® or Strategic Communication Management Professional (SCMP)® or to apply for recertification, Gardiner Centre courses can be an integral part of your application package.
To learn more about this global standard certification, visit: To inquire about sitting for a certification exam, contact the local IABC NL chapter at, or visit:
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Lynn Morrissey
Lynn Morrissey has over 25 years' of experience as a facilitator, consultant, and educator. She has taught academic courses in communications, organizational behaviour, and human resources at the Faculty of Business Administration, Memorial University, in St. John's, NL. She has received many awards for her contributions including the Dean's Teaching Award, the Dean's Service Award, the Dean's Citizenship Award, the President's Award for Distinguished Teaching, and the Queen's Diamond Jubilee Medal.
Lynn has a long-standing relationship with Gardiner Centre, instructing professional development seminars that focus on various fields of workplace culture and communications, and facilitation skills. Lynn consults in organizational effectiveness and human resource management and works regularly with organizations on a variety of strategic initiatives. Her experience includes leading performance review processes, writing harassment prevention strategies, conducting workplace culture reviews, facilitating strategy sessions, and executive coaching.