October 2013 News

Dec 23rd, 2013


October 2013 News

October found everyone busy as the semester progressed and mid-term break arrived.

Our winners’ prize held over from June, for the Campus Food Bank’s 12 Days of Giving, was a donated coffee break.  We collected the most food of any department to win that prize, an achievement we’ve reached several times before.  The coffee break was held on October 4th and was well enjoyed by attendees.  In the spirit of continued giving, we collected for the Alzheimer Society at the event, and raised $66.

Mid-October saw the arrival of the I Love Mundays Week, with many activities designed to celebrate the spirit of Memorial.  Kindness Friday is an annual day during the week, designed for us to show kindness to one another and the community, through a wide variety of activities both organized and spontaneous.  The Faculty of Science collected funds for Street Reach, a program for at-risk youth.  Biochemistry employees donated $95.

Our society circulated their Biochemistry Clothing order forms during the month, offering all the chance to wear some new department-branded items.  Final orders were due on the 31st.

The month ended with Halloween, and a potluck lunch was organized for the 31st.  This was one of our better attended potlucks in quite a few years.  Several people dressed up making for an interesting assortment of characters at our event.