New Online Safety Prerequisite - Science 1807

Jul 16th, 2015


New Online Safety Prerequisite - Science 1807

Our MUN lab safety course Safety 1000 has a new academic equivalent, Science 1807.   It is the exact same course, just available with two different numbers.  1807 will appear in the 2016-2017 calendar, but is is in effect now as a requirement for certain Biochemistry courses. 

Effective Fall 2015, Biochemistry lab courses and honours dissertation courses will require that a student have completed Safety 1000 previous to Fall registration, OR enrol in Science 1807 during the Fall registration period.  This course has no cost, no credit hours, and takes about 2 hours to complete.  You may enrol in it during the registration period, but take it at a later time, as long as you complete it by the deadline. 

Science students enroled in non-Biochemistry lab courses in Fall 2015, who have not yet completed Safety 1000, are encourage to enrol in 1807 rather than Safety 1000.   EITHER is acceptable, 1807 is preferred.

This change is occuring to facilitate using the self-service registration system to check for completion of this required safety course. Safety 1000 is not an academic course and so its usage affected the ability to have a smooth checking of its completion.  This problem will not be the case with 1807.

See details on the attached announcement sheet.