February 2012 Biochemistry happenings

Feb 27th, 2012


February 2012 Biochemistry happenings

Mr. Mike Murphy returned to his job as Student Labs supervisor February 6th, after four years on secondment.  Mike was serving as the CUPE 1615 president during his absence.  Welcome back, Mike!

 In his absence Mike was replaced by our Science Technician Marie Codner, who in turn was replaced by Natalie Webber.  Marie has resumed her previous job and Natalie has accepted a job in Life Science Stores.

Dr. Elaine Dodge is currently on leave while awaiting the imminent birth of her second child.  Elaine is a research assistant in the Brunton lab.

Dr. Ravi Saini arrived in mid-February to take up a postdoctoral fellowship in the Cheema lab.  Ravi expects to be here for about a year.

Dr. Sean Brosnan recently completed 40 years as a professor in this department, having been appointed on January 1, 1972. He’s undoubtedly set the record for this department's longest serving employee -well done Sean!

The Health and Safety department is conducting laboratory inspections at this time.  Each Biochemistry lab will receive a written report as inspections are completed.

MUCEP applications are underway by supervisors for the period May 2012 to April 2013.  Last year 20 applications were submitted and 44 positions were funded.  Completed forms should be into the department office on February 27 for head`s approval and forwarding to CDEL.