9.1 Bachelor of Fine Arts (Theatre)
9.1.1 Academic Performance
Attendance and participation in all studio courses and production rehearsals is vital to the collaborative nature of the program of study in Theatre. Absence from classes or rehearsals of any one student could jeopardize a production, the proper dissemination of practical skills and the overall safety of the students. Therefore attendance at all studio classes, rehearsals and crew calls will be compulsory.
A student who has failed a studio course shall not take more advanced courses in that discipline until the failed course has been successfully completed.
A student shall successfully complete all 1000 level Theatre courses before advancing to any 2000 level Theatre course.
A student whose average in the Theatre courses for the Bachelor of Fine Arts degree falls below 65 percent in any semester will be placed on probation within the program. A student placed on probation at the end of the final semester of the Theatre program will not be recommended for graduation.
A student will be required to withdraw from the program if the candidate's average in Theatre courses falls below 65 percent in each of two consecutive semesters of enrollment in the program.
A student who has withdrawn or who has been required to withdraw from the Bachelor of Fine Arts (Theatre) program and who wishes to re-enter the program must re-apply in competition after a lapse of two semesters by April 30 for the upcoming Fall semester, or by August 30 for the upcoming Winter semester.
A student who has been required to withdraw twice from the Bachelor of Fine Arts (Theatre) program shall be ineligible for further admission.
The Bachelor of Fine Arts (Theatre) program is intended for full-time students only. Students are strongly advised to take the full course load as prescribed each semester and so progress through the degree in clearly defined blocks of courses.