Bibliography Project

Bringing together scholars of Islam(s) and Muslims in Canada for our 2017 workshop meant a unique opportunity to consider and compile the peer-reviewed scholarly work to date. This bibliography in progress includes work related to the topic of Islam(s) and Muslims in Canada from a number of academic fields.
We have chosen to present it alphabetically.
* The bibliography is meant to be a live document and will be updated regularly. Please contact Jennifer with any omissions/additions/errors.
Compiled with contributions from:
- Melanie Adrian (Carleton U)
- Sadaf Ahmed (U Toronto)
- Zaheeda Alibhai (U Ottawa)
- Sanaa Ali-Mohammed (with the Tessellate Institute)
- Amarnath Amarasingam (Institute for Strategic Dialogue, Religion and Terrorism)
- Natasha Bakht (U Ottawa)
- Yuliya Barannik (with the Tessellate Institute)
- Amélie Barras (York U)
- Lori Beaman (Ottawa U)
- Rachel Brown (U Evansville)
- Katherine Bullock (U Toronto and the Tessellate Institute)
- Alyshea Cummins (U Ottawa)
- Parin Dossa (Simon Fraser U)
- Anver Emon (Toronto U)
- Paul Eid (UQAM)
- Cory Funk (Dalhousie U)
- Asif Hameed (with the Tessellate Institute)
- Roshan Arah Jahangeer (York U)
- Karim H. Karim (Carleton U)
- Abdie Kazemipur (U Calgary)
- Jennifer Selby (Memorial U)
- Meena Sharify-Funk (Wilfrid Laurier U)
- Hicham Tiflati (UQAM)
- Jasmin Zine (Wilfrid Laurier U)
We also suggest consulting the Tessellate Institute's Black Muslims in Canada:
A Systematic Review of Published and Unpublished Literature compiled by Fatimah Jackson-Best.
For an overview of academic literature in the US, see Books Addressing Muslims or Islam in the United States (1965-2018) by Sahar F. Aziz, Cynthia Burress and Rebecca Hankins.