Undergraduate Programs


 Now is your chance to learn about a subject that questions the things that everywhere else and in every other discipline are taken for granted.



Our courses are designed to take you through the different answers that great philosophers have given to fundamental questions. These answers are globally influential; they are live options; and they provide the framework in which many other disciplines are pursued. From the first day onwards in our courses, you will learn by constant writing and discussion how critically to explain and to analyze the basic concepts and ideas we employ all the time without usually noticing them. It is because philosophy students know how to explain and analyze that they have such successful careers.

Yet make no mistake: philosophy is a challenging and demanding subject, in which there are no short cuts and we all need as much help as we can get. For that reason, from its earliest beginnings in ancient Greece, philosophy has been a social activity and is inseparable from debate and discussion. This is why our department makes every effort to be the kind of place where students have the opportunity for philosophical debate and discussion outside as well as inside the classroom.

You will find a great deal going on. We not only offer a wide range of courses covering all the key areas of philosophy, but we also welcome and encourage you to join us in our various activities. These, for professors as well as for students, are a key part of the learning and career-enhancing experience that university offers. Are you ready for the challenge?

Philosophy courses may be taken simply as general arts electives or in the context of Minor, Major, Honours or as part of diploma or multidisciplinary programs. Normally, six credit hours at the 1000 or 2000 level are the prerequisites for all courses at the 3000 level and above, though all courses are open to any student as electives with the permission of the head of the department. You can learn more about our programs and diplomas via the links on the left.

What is Philosophy?

Philosophy is the study of general and fundamental problems concerning matters such as existence, knowledge, truth, beauty, law, justice, validity, mind, and language, using a critical, generally systematic approach relying on reasoned argument.

Philosophy is one of the most influential of all areas of study, providing the frameworks in which we think and act. Allowing us to make sense of ourselves and our surroundings, Philosophy teaches not what to think but how to think.

Why study Philosophy?

Studying Philosophy gives one a chance to understand reality, clarify the nature of interactions between individuals and society, and come to terms with the problems of existence and ultimate values. Philosophy develops your intellectual abilities. Beyond the knowledge and skills required for any particular profession, a good philosophical education enhances the capacity to participate responsibly and intelligently in public life.

What can I do with a Philosophy degree?

Graduating with a Bachelor of Arts degree in any specialization already equips you with some of the most important employable skills you need to obtain any successful career. Arts students learn exceptional research, writing and editing skills, as well as the tools – and the confidence – to express themselves and their ideas effectively and persuasively.

Philosophy is the ultimate transferable work skill. Philosophy graduates have an employability rate in North America of 98.9%. Students of Philosophy graduate with a knowledge base and a set of skills which prepares them for work in a number of fields. Popular career choices include systems analyst, ethical consultant, diplomat, librarian, professor, data processor, announcer, arts consultant, lobbyist, news writer, public policy manager, journalist or psychologist, but a Philosophy degree serves as a solid foundation for work in almost any career.

Philosophy graduates are among some of the best readers, researchers and writers, and the emphasis on presentation and discussion of student work fosters confidence and proficiency in communication in the students of the Philosophy Department.
