Chap 8 - Natural Selection in Finite Populations

Trajectory of a neutral allele [NS_08-01]

Replicate trajectories of a neutral allele
from fA = 0.01 [NS_08-02]

Replicate trajectories of a neutral allele from fA = 0.50 [NS 08-03]

Probability of fixation of a novel mutant allele, with variable s with respect to N [NS 08-04]

For (N =100), replicate trajectories & fates of novel mutant alleles (q0 = 0.005) that are
strongly advantageous     (s = 0.100)
[NS 08-05]
    weakly advantageous       (s = 0.010 [NS 08-06]
    weakly deleterious            (s = -0.005) [NS 08-07]
strongly deleterious          (s = -0.100) [NS 08-08]

Dusky Langur (Trachypithecus obscurus): selection for novel enzyme [NS 08-09]

Selective sweep in the absence of recombination [NS_08-10]

Selective sweep in the presence of recombination [NS 08-11]

Comparison of Borzoi versus boxer muzzles: brachycephaly [NS 08-12]

"Hitchhiking effect" in a haploid model with variable recombination [NS 08-13]

Partial selective sweep without recombination [NS 08-14]

Recombination on a neutral site linked to a site subject to overdominant selection [NS 08-15]

Average pairwise difference in sequence in 1kb sliding windows [NS 08-16]

Universal Genetic Code
[NS 08-Tab1]

Synonymous & Non-Synonymous Substitution rates in Humans & Mice [NS 08-Tab2]

Hitchhiking in a Haploid Population [NS 08-Box4]

Estimating the age of a mutation [NS 08-Box5]

Text material © 2017 by Steven M. Carr