NS 08-13

Example of "hitchhiking effect" in a haploid model

    Given a strongly selectively advantageous new mutant allele at initial fA = 1/200 = 0.005 and a genetically-linked neutral allele at initial fB = 0.2, fB will increase along with fA ("hitchhike") more or less strongly according to the recombination frequency (c = linkage coefficient). For completely linked loci (c = 0), fB will converge on fA at fixation. For moderately distant loci (5% recombination, c = 0.05), fB will increase along with fA, but as the linkage is broken over successive generations, fB will cease to increase. [Note the analogy to a hitchhiker who is "only going a little ways"]. For distant loci (20% recombination, c = 0.20), linkage breaks down in only a few generations, and the original fB remains unchanged.

Figure © by Sinauer; Text material © 2017 by Steven M. Carr