Postgraduate Program

This residency program is for five years. The psychiatry residency training program is designed to provide education, training and expertise in the required CanMeds roles in psychiatry as outlined by the Royal Colleage of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, in order to prepare residents for their fellowship examinations and subsequent careers as psychiatrists.
There are also opportunties for longitudinal experiences in research, medical education, and administrative psychiatry for residents who have an interest in pursuing these roles.
Click here to view our brochure.
Please note: rotations listed within our brochure will change as our Discipline prepares for the Royal College's Competency by Design implementation.
To learn more about our postgraduate program and our province, please see our other pages:
To read more about our subspecialty programs, please visit our Child and Adolescent psychiatry subspecialty program and our Geriatric psychiatry subspecialty program pages.