Information Management and Protection's overarching role is to create a program that supports the university in meeting its legislative requirements outlined in the Management of Information Act. This program will consist of policies, procedures, standards, education and awareness that supports managing and protecting information at the university.

Management of Information Act
Memorial University is a “public body” under Section 6 of the provincial Management of Information Act:
6. (1) A permanent head of a public body shall develop, implement and maintain a record management system for the creation, classification, retention, storage, maintenance, retrieval, preservation, disposal and transfer of public records.
(2) A system required under subsection (1) shall provide for retention periods and disposition by
(a) destruction, or
(b) transfer to the archives,
in accordance with the guidelines and schedules established by the Government Records Committee established under Section 5.1
(3) A permanent head of a public body shall ensure that the retention, disposal and removal of public records is carried out in accordance with this act.
Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act
Memorial is also subject to the provincial Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act 2015 (ATIPPA), which focuses on protection of privacy and access to information, though not specifically on the management of information. Mature information management practices enable compliance with ATIPPA.
The legislation gives people the right of access to records held by public bodies, with limited exceptions to disclosure, and also provides for independent review of access decisions by public institutions. ATIPPA does not replace existing procedures for access to information or records. A formal request is usually not necessary to access information. In general, an informal request can be completed more quickly than a form request.
For more information on ATIPPA, visit the Information Access and Privacy Office website.
Information Management Policy
The Office of the CIO in consultation with Memorial University’s Policy Office created the new Information Management Policy to provide policy direction for the management and protection of university records. On July 7, 2016, the Board of Regents approved the policy and related procedures, which came into effect immediately.
Records that relate to the operation and administration of the university will be managed and protected in accordance with Memorial's Information Management Policy. The purpose of this policy is:
- To manage and protect information created in the conduct of university activities in accordance with relevant legislation, university policy, standards, guidelines and procedures; and
- To provide a framework for a university-wide information management program that governs the classification, retention, use, maintenance, storage, protection and disposal of university information.