
News Release

REF NO.: 235

SUBJECT: Education students receive vote of confidence

DATE: June 18, 2010

At some point it is likely that each student in the Faculty of Education will ask themselves: “Am I going to be a good teacher?” For the past three years the Sisters of Mercy and Presentation have been giving a $5,000 vote that says, “Yes, you will.”
            This year, the organization offered five scholarships of $1,000 each, open to all students in the Faculty of Education registered during the 2009-10 academic year.
            Danielle Benoit, Cedric Davignon, Michael Eagles, Jeff Foran and Darlene Holwell walked away with an affirmation of their abilities thanks to the rewards, which were presented on June 16, 2010.
            An open call for papers was issued this winter, announcing the scholarship opportunity. Students were invited to submit a 750-word essay considering personal values and goals pertaining to effective teaching.
            In 2007, the Congregations of the Sisters of the Presentation and the Sisters of Mercy created an education fund to support a variety of educational projects provincially, nationally and internationally. The fund was meant to annually distribute the interest earned on the compensation the Sisters received from the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador on their claim for the Holy Heart of Mary property and building. 
            Other monies from the Mercy/Presentation fund are directed towards programs in religious education, music, theatre arts, ecology, youth and adult literacy, early childhood education and family support programs.
             A contribution also goes towards bursary programs at Catholic schools in the province to assist families who wish to enrol children but do not have the financial capability to pay the annual fees. A donation was also made to the restoration of the Holy Heart Theatre.


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