
News Release

REF NO.: 0

SUBJECT: Grenfell PSA: : Minds, Hands and Magic: A Celebration of Learning through the Arts in Western Newfoundland Year 10

DATE: June 12, 2009

            In the Fine Arts Building atrium, SWGC Art Gallery is exhibiting Minds, Hands and Magic: A Celebration of Learning through the Arts in Western Newfoundland Year 10. On display are artworks by grades 2 and 6 students who worked with visual artists, Nancy Jacobsen and Brenda Stratton in the Learning through the Arts (LTTA)/WNL program.
             LTTA/WNL works with 15 schools in the Bay of Islands, Humber Valley and Northern Peninsula regions. The program works on the basis that we all learn by doing. Teachers and artists work together to engage students in hands-on learning by using the arts as tools to teach core subjects like Mathematics and Social Studies. The program has been proven to motivate students and certainly enriches and invigorates the classroom experience. This program is supported by Western School District and the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador through Cultural Connections.

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