Certificate in Film Studies

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The Certificate in Film Studies is designed for those who are interested in film as a form of cultural production that spans the globe. The program acquaints students with film as form before exploring how it is deployed in multiple settings and how it evolves depending on political, social, historical, economic and technological contexts.

Like other programs in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, students and graduates will be prepared to engage in further social and cultural debates about the role of the film and cultural industries in promoting cross-cultural understanding and social equality. The Film Studies Certificate will contribute to existing collaborative relationships between the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences and Newfoundland's growing film industry by giving students the critical reading and writing skills necessary to understand film (and related media) in all of its manifestations, from entertainment to industry, and everything in between.

Regulations for the Certificate in Film Studies

As part of the certificate, students must complete a communications theory course and a film theory course, supplemented by courses analyzing film in specific contexts. Students are encouraged to take foundation courses before proceeding with the other requirements for the certificate.

The Certificate in Film Studies consist of 21 credit hours:

  • Three credit hours in Communications Studies 2001 or English 2813
  • Three credit hours in English 2850 or 2851; and
  • A minimum of 15 additional credit hours selected from Table 1, of which there shall be a minimum of three credit hours at the 3000-level  
Table 1: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Courses for the
Certificate in Film Studies
Foundation Theory Courses 1000-level and 2000-level Film Courses 3000-level Film Courses
Communication Studies 2001,
English 2813, 2850, 2851
Archaeology 2493
Philosophy 2340
Religious Studies 2022
Anthropology 3404
Classics 3700
French 3506
German 3000, 3001, 3002, 3003
History 3790, 3795
Russian 3003, 3023
Spanish 3300

Program Coordinator

For more information students are invited to contact the Program Coordinator. Please see http://www.mun.ca/hss/about/contact/coordinators.php for current contact information.

Upcoming Courses in the Certificate

To look for course offerings in upcoming semesters please visit http://www.mun.ca/hss/courses.php