


And the winner is ... Board of Regents jury selects name for strategic plan

A contest to decide the name of the new strategic plan was announced a couple of weeks ago, and we have a winner.

Help us find the perfect title for our strategic plan

Memorial’s new strategic plan represents the input of hundreds of people both inside and outside the university. Now Memorial is calling on both groups for help once more. What should it be called?


Draft strategic plan released for feedback

A draft of Memorial University’s strategic plan, tentatively titled Memorial Momentum, is being released today for feedback from the university community.


What We Heard document released

Great things are happening at our university – but some things need work. That’s the overall message the university community has for the strategic planning facilitation team.



Shared Vision: Join the conversation

Consultations are gearing up for Memorial’s new strategic plan, with the intent to engage all members of the community in defining a shared vision for the future.


Engaging and nimble

Thirteen dedicated individuals have been chosen to join co-chairs Dr. Ian Sutherland and Emily Wooley on the facilitation team for the strategic planning process. Following a call for people to submit their names and reasons for wanting to be part of the team, more than 100 expressed interest in the process.


Applications now accepted for facilitation team

Memorial is embarking on a strategic planning process to engage all members of our community in defining a shared vision for the future. A key component of the process is the strategic planning facilitation team, a group of 10-15 diverse volunteers who will guide the strategic planning process from start to finish. Applications are being accepted until July 31, 2020.

Seeking engaged volunteers

Memorial is embarking on a strategic planning process to engage all members of our community in defining a shared vision for the future. A key component of the process is the strategic planning facilitation team, a diverse group of 10-15 volunteers who will guide the strategic planning process from start to finish.


Charting the course

The development of a new strategic plan for Memorial University is now underway. At a special meeting held on June 11, the Board of Regents approved a proposal for the creation of a new strategic plan. It was also endorsed by Senate on June 9.

Memorial embarks on pan-university strategic planning process

The development of a new strategic plan for Memorial University is now underway. At a special meeting held on June 11, the Board of Regents approved a proposal for the creation of a new strategic plan. It was also endorsed by Senate on June 9.