Gender, Work and Health web portal

Mar 22nd, 2017


Gender, Work and Health web portal

Bridging the Gap Between Sex, Gender, Workplace Health and Safety

Do you know the difference between sex and gender, and why they matter? In order to create safe and healthy workplaces, we must understand how both the physical (sex) and socio-cultural (gender) differences between women, men and gender-diverse people influence work and health, and how to apply this knowledge to improve occupational health and safety activities.

To help bridge the gap between gender, sex, and health, and their impact on the workplace, the CCOHS  has launched the Gender, Work and Health web portal.

The web portal provides a single point of access to a clearinghouse of links to some of the most current and credible information, research, resources and tools on topics related to sex, gender, health and work. These topics include gender differences in workplace injury and illness, gaps in knowledge and improving risk prevention.

Sex and gender play an important role in workplace health and safety. For example, gender roles and relations impact the division of labour both in the workplace and outside working hours. Biological differences between male and females in terms of height, weight or muscle can influence a worker’s risk of certain injuries and their severity.  In order to create safe and healthy workplaces, we need to understand how gender and sex influence work and health, and integrate gender into occupational safety and health activities.

This web portal is intended to help those working in occupational health and safety better understand how sex and gender influence work and health, and lead to policies, practices and processes that protect the health and wellness of all workers.

CCOHS created the web portal as a result of its knowledge translation partnership with the Institute of Gender and Health’s Gender, Work and Health Chair Program.

Visit the Gender, Work and Health web portal