President's Award 2022 in Outstanding Research

Dec 15th, 2022

Recipients of the President’s Award for the outstanding research for 2022:
Dr Carissa Brown and Dr Max Liboiron

President’s Awards for Outstanding Research were awarded to
Dr. Max Liboiron, Department of Geography, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences;
Dr. Carissa Brown, Department of Geography, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.

Below is the link to the YouTube video from the 2022 President’s Awards ceremony:
MUN President's Awards 2022 - YouTube
Go to the clip that starts at 17:02.

President’s Award November 30, 2022
The story on the Gazette:

Dr. Carissa Brown
Associate professor, Department of Geography, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, is recognized worldwide for research examining impacts of climate change and fire activity on tree distributions in the boreal forest.
She has led a circumpolar-wide synthesis of data on reproduction at treeline -- where forests transition to non-forested ecosystems -- which was published in the leading journal, Ecography.

Dr. Max Liboiron
Associate professor, Department of Geography, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, is a globally renowned Métis/Michif scholar and leading figure in feminist science studies, Indigenous science and technology, and discard studies.
At the forefront of plastic pollution research, Dr. Liboiron’s work has had a direct influence on national policy for plastic pollution.