Deferred Maintenance

Quick facts
Built Infrastructure
Information Technology
Memorial’s infrastructure portfolio is valued at $1.57B. Memorial has one of the largest and most complex IT environments in the province.
Historically, Memorial received funding from the provincial government for the deferred maintenance program, in the amount of $10M annually, which ended effective fiscal 2015-16. The IT infrastructure spans multiple campuses and is spread out over 16 data centres containing more than 1000 servers and more than 9 pedabytes of electronic data storage.
Due to further budget reductions, at this time, the Campus Renewal Fee is the only revenue funding deferred maintenance. The projected funding amount in 2018-19 and 2019-20 is $7.2M annually. Additionally, an average of 30,000 devices are connected daily to Memorial’s wired and wireless networks; 320,000 calls per month are placed over Memorial's VoIP phone system and ~3.9 million calls per year are received by 20 call centres; 1 billion firewall requests every 8 days.
$450M in deferred maintenance needs have been identified for Memorial’s buildings. At present, approximately two-thirds of Memorial’s IT infrastructure is classified as end of life.
The facilities condition index (FCI) measures relative condition of a building or facility on a scale: 0-5% (Excellent to Good Condition), 5-10% (Good to Fair Condition), 10-20% (Fair to Poor Condition). The university’s target is 12%, but is currently at about 28.9%. Core IT required investments is approximately $12M to address end of life infrastructure with an additional $3-4M required in distributed units to address immediate IT requirements in these respective areas.
At the projected spending level of $7.2M annually, Memorial will continue to experience additional deferred maintenance, which will result in a projected FCI of 38% in 10 years. Memorial's network (MUNET) is the number one information technology priority and requires $3-4M to upgrade. 
Annual funding requirements to maintain the current conditions is $23.1M and to improve FCI to 10% in 10 years Memorial would need to spend $63.4M per year. Additional areas of priority include upgrades to the wireless network, VoIP phones, and data centres.