Research Idea Bank Description and Deposit Slip

The Research Idea Bank is a depository of ideas for research projects available only to members of the Anesthesia Discipline.  The Bank was a special project inaugurated in September 2012. The Bank’s aim is to stimulate ideas for anesthesia-related research and promote a culture of research here at Memorial.

The Bank itself is quite simple. It consists of ‘deposit slips’, forms that contain the research idea and assorted background information about the potential research. Ideas are placed in the bank by members of the Discipline by filling out a ‘deposit slip’ and given this to either Dr. Geoff Warden, Research Director or Marion Barnes, Anesthesia Office, Room 1320, Health Sciences Centre.

If a potential researcher is interested in pursuing an idea from the Bank, they can make a ‘withdrawal’. Whereby the Bank Manger notes the name of the withdrawer and the date, and marks the deposit slip as ‘active’. It is incumbent on the withdrawer to work actively on developing the research idea into an actual research proposal/project and inform the Bank Manager if they decide not to. It is expected that the withdrawer will make due acknowledgement to the depositor in any report or publication.

All ideas are welcome, no matter how developed they are.

If you have any questions about the Bank or would to peruse it, contact:

Dr. Geoff Warden, Research Director

Idea Deposit Slip Form