LUMUN cards

As a per-course instructor or postdoctoral fellow at Memorial, you are already a dues-paying member of a bargaining unit of the Lecturers' Union of MUN, per Canadian labour law.

In addition, our collective agreements for both bargaining units ensure that "every [Per-Course Instructor or Postdoctoral Fellow] shall become a member of the Union on date of appointment, unless that [PCI or PDF] opts out by written notice to the Union within thirty (30) days of that date." (from Clause 5.01 of both collective agreements, emphasis added)

Being a LUMUN member has the following benefits:

  • ability to vote at LUMUN general meetings on issues that concern you

  • ability to run for – and fill – a position on the LUMUN Executive Board

  • ability to serve on a LUMUN committee

  • elibility for funding from the LUMUN Cares Program (some conditions apply)

  • possible eligibility for matching funding from LUMUN for Professional Development Funding from Memorial’s Vice President (Academic)

Please note that, for the time being, you do not need to sign a union card to become a member in good standing of LUMUN.