Photos Archive for 2011

July 30, 2011: Photos of artifacts from the 2011 Indian Harbour dig.
(All photos by Eliza Brandy.)

Decorated kaolin pipe stems
Decorated kaolin pipe stems
(61 kb)

Kaolin pipe stem with initials HKC(?)
Kaolin pipe stem with initials HKC(?)
(57 kb)

Iron ulu blade
Iron ulu blade
(38 kb)

Portion of caribou antler
Portion of caribou antler
(74 kb)

Iron door hinge
Iron door hinge
(49 kb)

Iron key
Iron key
(38 kb)

Knife with wooden handle
Knife with wooden handle
(77 kb)

Fragments of a whalebone sled shoe, positioned approximately as they were found
Whalebone sled shoe fragments
(107 kb)

Harpoon head with iron blade
Harpoon head with iron blade
(56 kb)

Blue and white trade beads
Blue and white trade beads
(30 kb)

French stoneware pottery fragment
French stoneware pottery fragment
(37 kb)

Roof tile fragment, probably Basque
Roof tile fragment, probably Basque
(36 kb)