We're heading to Port Hope Simpson!
The next Regional Workshop will be held in Port Hope Simpson in partnership with the Southeastern Aurora Development Corporation (Zone 4) and the Labrador Straits Development Corporation (Zone 5).
We need your representation at the Regional Workshop in Port Hope Simpson Saturday Nov. 5, 2011 from 8:30am-4pm.
It will be a gathering of local decision makers and faculty, staff and students from Memorial University to network and discuss new collaborations for finding solutions to issues in your region. The main areas of discussion are:
1) Entrepreneurship: incl. municipal planning, business development, succession planning, new sectors, getting people involved, etc.
2) Tourism: innovative solutions, operators' challenges, visitor services and quality, advertising/marketing, knowing your product, linkages, shoulder seasons, etc.
3) Industrial Development Planning: Lower Churchill development, mining development, small community growing to larger ones, planning for growth, mega projects, etc.
Registration is free and continental breakfast, breaks and a lunch are provided. Also, please join us the evening before (Nov. 4) for a free public policy forum on regional collaboration. Both events will tentatively take place at Bayside Academy in Port Hope Simpson. Portions of both events will be available for webcasting.