Synergy Session on Industrial Benefits
Attend in person or via webinar
Dr. Sean Markey, Associate Professor with Resource and Environmental Management, Simon Fraser University
Michelle Porter, Doctoral Candidate, Department of geography, Memorial University of Newfoundland
By adopting a “no-town” strategy, resource companies have been able to separate themselves from – and off-load the costs of – social, economic, and physical infrastructure responsibilities to communities or higher levels of government. The purpose of this presentation is to investigate municipal and regional responses to the shifting and seemingly placeless dynamics of many resource developments. The presentation will discuss current research in the Isthmus of the Avalon which explores the costs and the benefits of industrial development and the potential of industrial benefits planning (IBP) processes for maximizing shared benefits as part of an overall economic and regional development strategy.
Deadline for registration: Monday, October 3rd, at 1:00 pm NDT. Please specify whether attending in person or by webinar. Admission is free, but registration is required. For those attending in person, lunch and parking are provided free, but space is limited, so register early. To register, contact Amy Poole at the Harris Centre (709) 864-3143 or