Harris Centre Schooner Zone Regional Workshop

Oct 30th, 2012

Amy Tucker

Schooner Regional Development Zone
Harris Centre Schooner Zone Regional Workshop

This workshop will provide an opportunity to share your work, challenges and ideas with municipal representatives; non-profit groups; small businesses; government agencies; community volunteers; and Memorial University faculty, students and staff.

The following themes have been developed with a local planning committee, and discussions could possibly surround:

  • Business and labour market development
    - How can small businesses overcome challenges and barriers to success, and what supports exist for them?
    - Can social enterprise meet community needs?
    - How do declining and migratory populations impact local businesses, and how can businesses recruit and retain workers?
  • Tourism
    - What supports exist for local tourism businesses and organizations?
    - How can tourism sites within the region coordinate with each other and add to the regional economy?
  • Volunteerism
    - How can volunteers and volunteer organizations communicate and share resources?
    - With declining populations and residents travelling for work, how do we find people to fill and stay in volunteer roles?
  • Health and wellness
    - How can we build capacity to reach health and wellness goals in rural areas? - How can programming be structured to meet community needs?
    - How do we address the need for increased awareness, services and activities that promote physical and mental health?

This full-day workshop will also include a lunchtime Memorial Presents Public Forum on the future of regional development in the province. Further information will be coming up on this page soon.

Please pass this on to anyone else who may be interested!

The registration deadline is November 23rd

Register Here

See Agenda Here

Registration is free and breakfast and lunch are provided by the Harris Centre.

For people in the region, a limited amount of travel subsidies are available for those who would not otherwise have their costs covered. Please get in touch for more information and to see if you are eligible.

For Memorial faculty, students and staff, transportation by bus will be provided by the Harris Centre. Faculty and staff are responsible for their own accommodations. There is some support for graduate students, so get in touch to learn more.

Please contact Amy Tucker at amy.tucker@mun.ca or 864-6115 if you have any questions about the event.

Organized in partnership with: Burin Peninsula Chamber of Commerce; Community Sector Council Burin Peninsula Voluntary Clusters Project; Department  of Advanced Education and Skills; Department of Innovation, Business and Rural Development; Grand Bank Development Corporation; Rural Secretariat; Schooner Regional Development Corporation; and The Harris Centre