Collaborating for Community Resilience: Central Labrador Regional Workshop

Are you living in Central Labrador and interested in your region's development?
Or, are you faculty, staff or a student at Memorial University who would like to strengthen Memorial's presence and network with people in Central Labrador? Does your research, teaching and/or public engagement relate to the workshop theme of community resilience or the social, economic and cultural impacts of major economic development projects?
If so, consider attending the Harris Centre's Regional Workshop on November 17, 2015 at Hotel North 2 in Happy Valley-Goose Bay, from 9:00am-4:00pm (breakfast starting at 8:00).
The workshop will facilitate discussions that focus on forward-thinking and potential strategies and solutions around the following issues:
Impacts of Major Developments on Families and Community Social Structures
- How is the up/down transitional economic development impacting local communities and families?
- How are major economic development projects impacting the sustainability of community social structures?
- What are the impacts on local housing, daycare and youth?
- How are escalating lifestyles and the resulting economic divisions amongst local populations affecting the sustainability of the community?
- How are lifestyles of workers ("sleep, eat, work") impacting personal health?
- How is the community utilizing resources to respond to the needs of citizens, adverse situations and shifting outside forces?
Impacts of Major Developments on the Local Business Community
- What are the impacts of major developments to the local labor force?
- What are the impacts of long distant commuting to a community?
- What are the impacts of hosting a mobile workforce in a community?
Preparing for Future Developments - Best Practises
- How can communities best prepare for the end of current developments?
- What are best practises surrounding impacts and benefits agreements to protect families and community sustainability?
- Community Resilience - What have we learned and how do we prepare for future developments?
- How can research help address these issues?
If these topics interest you, then this Regional Workshop is a great opportunity to share your experience and perspectives with other local stakeholders, while also helping to guide regional priorities for future Memorial collaboration.
As part of this event, a Memorial Presents Public Forum will be held on November 16th from 7:00-9:00pm, on the topic of National Park Developments. This event will include a keynote presenter from Memorial University, local panelists involved in Labrador's park development and a Q&A with the audience. More information will be available here very soon.
This is a public event and everyone is welcome.
The registration deadline should you require accommodations in Happy Valley-Goose Bay is November 30, 2015. If you are from the region and do not require accommodations, you may register up until Friday, November 13th.
Register Now!
Workshop registration is free and meals during the workshop will be provided by the Harris Centre.
If you are unable to attend but are involved in projects that could impact this region, please contact us so we can add your project to our inventory to be presented at the workshop.
For more information, contact Sheila Downer at
The workshop will focus on the region of Central Labrador, including communities of Happy Valley-Goose Bay, Mud Lake, Sheshatshiu and North West River