Call for Expressions of Interest for Research on the Baccalieu Trail Region

Would you like to do research that impacts the sustainability of the Baccalieu Trail Region?
We have funding for projects that fall within the following themes:
• Tourism and Culture
• Infrastructure and Accessibility (Communications and Transportation)
• Innovation and Business Development (Green Economy)
This funding is part of the Thriving Regions Partnership Process, which includes engaging people in regions around the province in research, while also providing funding for Memorial faculty, staff and students to get the research done. You can learn more about the Thriving Regions Partnership Process here and here.
The Harris Centre held a workshop in Carbonear on September 27th with regional stakeholders to determine what their research priorities are (you can click here to view the full workshop report). We want to connect these stakeholders with the expertise and capacity at Memorial to help enhance the understanding of local issues and find sustainable solutions through the co-production of knowledge and practices.
For more detailed information on the fund, click here.
Some Details:
- The fund will provide up to $15,000 per project for up to three projects for creative and relevant applied research on one or more of the priority areas.
- Researchers must be available to attend a workshop later in 2019 in the Baccalieu Region.
- This fund is open to any faculty, staff or students at Memorial; however, if the applicant does not have research privileges, a co-applicant or supervisor with such privileges must be identified.
- Researchers from all disciplines are welcome to apply and we strongly encourage multidisciplinary and collaborative projects between faculty, staff, students and community partners.
The deadline for applications is Tuesday, November 5th at 4:00pm
Apply Here!
For more information, contact:
Chris Paterson, Knowledge Mobilization Coordinator
Phone: 709-864-6179