NL's Regional Policy & Development Hub

As Newfoundland & Labrador's public policy & regional development hub at Memorial University, the Harris Centre serves as a bridge between the university and the community through:
  • Connecting faculty, students and staff with people, communities, organizations and networks - locally, nationally and internationally
  • Fostering collaborations and linking people, ideas, research and resources to help tackle complex challenges facing our province and society
  • Creating platforms for informed dialogue and discussion
  • Mobilizing knowledge and supporting applied and community-based research 
Moving ideas to solutions to create a vibrant democracy and prosperous and sustainable society in Newfoundland and Labrador.



NL Vital Signs 2024

The Harris Centre and the Community Foundation of NL recently launched the 2024 edition of Newfoundland and Labrador's Vital Signs, read the full report here: Vital Signs 2024


Vital Signs 2024



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Read the latest research reports.

Missed the last public discussion forum? Watch the session on our YouTube channel.



From the Gazette