Olivier Randin
Email: o.j.randin[at]mun[dot]ca
Dr. Dean Bavington
Thesis Title
Research Description
Feed is a crucial but under-examined issue that underpins the aquaculture industry in Newfoundland and Nova Scotia - no feed, no fish, no aquaculture. The industrially-produced pellets that are fed to farmed salmonids are the material embodiment of complex socio-ecological relations that link different regions, communities, and ecologies together. Taking feed manufacturing and distribution as a jumping off point, this study will examine the networks of production and consumption that shape the aquaculture industry at varied scales and the roles played by differently positioned actors in that process. The research will provide an opportunity to explore issues such as: feedstock sourcing, nutritional values, socio-environmental transformations in different regions, and the ways in which pelagic fish and other source materials used in the production of aquaculture feed are constructed at different scales.
"Small-Scale Fishers, Changing Borders: The Case of San Andrés Archipelago (Colombia) and the International Court of Justice" in: Jentoft, S. and Chuenpagdee, R. (Eds.)(2015), Interactive Governance for Small-Scale Fisheries, Global Reflections, MARE Publication Series 13, Springer: Dordrecht. To be published.