Maryam Foroutan
Email: mforoutan[at]mun[dot]ca
Research Groups: ACE Space Lab
Dr. Julia Christensen, Dr. Yolande Pottie-Sherman
Previous Education
• BA Architecture, Shiraz University, Iran
• MA Urban Design, Iran University of Science and Technology
Research Description
Housing security (affordability, accessibility, and adequacy) is one of the most critical challenges in North Canada regarding the highly constrained housing markets. "New home North" is a community-engaged research project exploring newcomers' housing experiences in Canada's Northern and Atlantic communities. "Newcomers" as an umbrella term indicates temporary foreign workers and permanent resident immigrants. The main objective is to examine the impact of migration on the housing infrastructure and services and addressing housing barriers in Northern cities.
Research Interests
• Housing Affordability and Accessibility
• Migration and Urban Change
• Social Inequality of Low-income and Marginalized Groups
• Community Planning- Social and Cultural dimensions of Planning
• Character and Identity- Place making Theories