Entering Grades Using Banner


Among other capabilities, Memorial’s Faculty Web interface to the Banner Student Administration System permits users to enter final grades through the World Wide Web at www.mun.ca/regoff/facweb.htm . This is a secure access in that users must have an account name and a personal identification number (PIN). If you are unsure of your PIN or you would like to have access to Faculty Web, please contact one of the individuals named below.

Grades for cross-listed sections may be keyed separately for each section or using one, combined list of students for all sections.

When all grades are entered, users must save them by clicking on the Submit Changes button at the end of the class list.

With Faculty Web when grades are approved they are also locked, preventing any changes to them. Grades can be locked pending approval. If locked grades need to be changed please contact one of the individuals named below.

If you have any questions regarding the on-line entry of grades or if you require assistance feel free to contact Ms. Patricia Walsh at Extension 2123.

For regulations regarding the assignment of grades, please refer to 6.7 Examinations and 6.8 Grading in the University Calendar, which is available online at www.mun.ca/regoff/calendar as well as to the following instructions, which supplement the University's grading regulations:

1. For courses in which numeric grades are assigned, record the numeric grade in the "FGRD" column.

2. For courses in which grades of pass, fail, or pass with distinction are assigned, record PAS, FAL, or PWD.

3. A student who is prevented by illness, bereavement or other acceptable cause from writing the
final examination may make a formal written request to the head of your academic unit, requesting a deferred examination. If such a request has been made and has been approved, record ABS.

4. For a student who has not written the final examination and for whom a deferred examination has been neither requested nor approved, record the partial grade (for term work) out of 100%, if applicable. If a deferred examination is approved after these forms are submitted, please notify this Office immediately; any delay could have serious negative implications for
the student.

5. For a student who has for good cause not completed course work, a grade of INC may be recorded with the approval of the head of the academic unit. If the student does not complete the outstanding course work by the January 13, 2014 deadline, the final grade submitted should be a partial grade (for all other completed course work) out of 100%, if applicable.

6. For a student who has officially dropped the course since the forms were printed, do not enter a grade.

7. For a student who has written the final examination but whose name does not appear:

  • If the course is a multi-section course, check with the other instructors. The student may be registered in a different section;
  • Otherwise, forward a note to Ms. Patricia Walsh of this Office indicating the grade awarded.