Field School 2011: Sailor South (DeAj-05) Dorset Paleoeskimo site

Researchers excavating at the Sailor South Dorset Paleoeskimo site in Savage, NewfoundlandThis year's field school will provide five weeks of field work for students. Excavations will take place at the Beaches (DeAk-01) and Sailor South (DeAj-05) sites. Our primary goal is the multi-component Beaches which appears to be 90% smaller than its original area, largely due to erosion. 2011's students will excavate part of the 150 metre-long eroding bank forming the site's south border. Recent Indian and/or Paleoeskimo cultural material, hopefully including evidence for features, is expected to be found in this part of the bank. Burnside Heritage Foundation Inc. workers will build a wooden retaining wall in front of the straightened bank following the excavation and profiling the bank.

Sailor South (DeAj-05), a Dorset Paleoeskimo located in the community of Salvage, will be excavated on days when high winds forbid travelling by boat to the Beaches.


Director: Laurie McLean

(Photo courtesy of field school participant Ben Slade).