University Policy


Harlow Campus Usage

Approval Date: 2018-10-03

Effective Date: 2018-10-03

Review Date: 2022-10-03


Provost and Vice-President (Academic)


To outline the authority, roles and responsibilities for programs and activities undertaken at the Harlow Campus. 


Memorial University community usage of Harlow Campus. 


Activity Coordinator — The employee or other designated individual, who is traveling with a group that includes students, and is responsible for coordinating the University-related Activities. The Activity Coordinator may also be the Travel Coordinator. This is a functional description not a position title.

Partner Institutions — Educational institutions or other organizations with an education mandate with whom Memorial has entered into formal agreements, generally for exchange of students, faculty, staff or interns.

Student Cohort — A group of students taking one or more credit or non-credit courses offered by a single unit or by a consortium of units.

UK — United Kingdom.


1. Governance and Oversight

The Harlow Campus is a facility located in Old Harlow, Essex, UK which supports programming and activities of Memorial University in relation to its three strategic frameworks. The Harlow Campus is governed by MUN (UK) Ltd., a company limited by guarantee. MUN (UK) Ltd. has a board of directors which directs the facility (see MUN UK in the Calendar). Under this arrangement, the Harlow Campus General Manager is responsible for operations and the Harlow Campus Finance Manager is responsible for financial matters at the facility.

The Board of Regents approves the annual budget of MUN (UK) Ltd.. MUN (UK) Ltd. provides annual reports to the Board of Regents on activities, usage, risk, finances, etc.

Staff at Harlow Campus report administratively to the MUN (UK) Ltd. board of directors and functionally to the Office of the Provost and Vice-President (Academic). Academic programs are developed and overseen by the Office of the Provost and Vice-President (Academic). For further details, see Harlow Campus Governance (TBD).

2. Roles

Harlow Campus employees provide support for teaching and learning, research and public engagement programs and activities taking place at or from Harlow Campus.

Harlow Campus employees are responsible for food services, general facilities management, housing and security at the facility. They provide on-going administration assistance to employees in relation to all bookings, field trips and any ad-hoc requirements. They also provide information to students, employees and other visitors about campus and local facilities, as well as travel guidance for local, national or European travel. In addition, they provide local accountancy service to support academic programs, including funds management, budgetary control, etc.

Program registration, pre-departure sessions and other student advising are managed by the home campus of the Student Cohort.

Immigration and other advice related to working in a UK context is provided by the Internationalization Office.

Instructor support related to program budget, financial administration of the program and program promotion is provided by the relevant unit.

Information Technology network services are overseen by the Information Technology Services unit at the St. John's campus. Harlow Campus employees provide direct IT support for student, employee and visitors using the Harlow campus.

3. Harlow Campus Usage 

Core activities for Harlow Campus include teaching and learning, research and public engagement, as outlined below. Activities undertaken at Harlow Campus must comply with applicable United Kingdom legislation and regulations, as well as Memorial University academic and non-academic policies and procedures, as applicable.

Normally, bookings are for less than one full semester.

3.1 Teaching and Learning

Harlow Campus is used by academic units to offer programs that provide an opportunity for Memorial University students and students from partner institutions to learn abroad. For booking purposes, these learning opportunities normally are given priority over other types of proposed activities.

A key element of any Harlow program is its experiential learning opportunities. This may include field trips and guest lectures, which, where possible, should be booked in advance.

Requests to book the Harlow Campus are considered on a first come, first served basis.

Proposals to offer a course or courses at Harlow are subject to the Procedure for Establishing a Harlow Campus Program, the Procedure for Harlow Campus Program Expenditures and the Procedure for Establishing Special Program Fees for Harlow.

3.2 Research

The campus is available as a base for faculty members and graduate students conducting research or further study in the UK on a first come, first served basis and in respect of other bookings. There is no time limit on the period of residency, subject to availability.

3.3 Public Engagement

The campus is available on a first come, first served as a base for alumni or industry or as a launch area for public engagement or economic / business development, as a gateway to Europe for Newfoundlanders and Labradorians. There is no time limit on the period of residency, subject to availability.

3.4 Funding

Activities as per the strategic frameworks at Harlow are funded:

In the case of Teaching and Learning - by academic units and the individual student participants. In certain situations, funding may be available from the academic envelope for academic units.

In the case of Research - by the research funds of the individual researcher(s).

In the case of Public Engagement - by those proponents, whether faculty, staff, alumni, government or industry, who are using the campus.

4. Jurisdictional matters

Travel to the UK is subject to Memorial's travel policies, in particular the Travel Outside of Canada policy and its related procedures

While in general Memorial's policies and procedures regarding legal, human rights and behavioural matters apply while employees and students use the Harlow Campus, these must be applied and interpreted in the context of the location of facility, in the UK. In addition, the Plans and Policies specific to the Harlow Campus and approved by the MUN (UK) Ltd. board apply.

Related Documents

Harlow Faculty Handbook
Harlow Campus Housing
Harlow Campus Emergency Management Plan
Harlow Campus Governance (TBD)
Travel Outside of Canada policy
Hosting policy
Travel - General policy


For inquiries related to this policy:

Director, Internationalization Office, (709) 864-2330. 


Provost and Vice-President (Academic)


Academic Affairs

Previous Versions:

There is at least one previous version of this policy. Contact the Policy Office to view earlier version(s)

Approval Date: 0000-00-00
Effective Date: 2013-11-05
Approval Date: 0000-00-00
Effective Date: 0000-00-00
Policy Amendment History

There are past amendments for this policy:

Date: 2019-05-27 15:26:14
This policy was replaced with a new version. Comment provided: Connected definitions using the definitions from the glossary.
Date: 2024-09-12 14:44:58
This policy was replaced with a new version. Comment provided: Updated broken links