Congratulations to Jessica Williams and Robyn Cossitt!

Feb 1st, 2021

JA Selby

Congratulations to Jessica Williams and Robyn Cossitt!

The Department of Religious Studies warmly congratulates Jessica Williams and Robyn Cossitt on the completion of their MA theses.

Jessica Williams' thesis, "The Religion of Tarot," was supervised by Dr. Jennifer Porter.

Examiners called Williams' thesis "a welcome contribution to the general field of lived religion and the religious dimensions of Tarot practice in particular" and "exceptional original research on a topic that has received little critical attention in the academic discipline of religious studies".

Robyn Cossitt's thesis, "Regarding the Rites of Others: An Analysis of Responses to the Serpent-handling Sects," was supervised by Dr. Barry Stephenson.

Examiners remarked how the thesis is "high quality", "very well written, impressively clean, and was a pleasure to read." They also noted it is "significant for showing the legal and social consequences of prejudice and for contributing to non-prejudicial scholarship in this area".

Bravo to Jessica and Robyn for your excellent work and contributions to the study of religion!