Building Public Engagement into the Curriculum

How do you teach public engagement? , Jennifer Browne, Director of Career Development and Experiential Learning, Memorial University, and Kelly Vodden, Associate Professor, Environmental Policy Institute, Grenfell Campus and Department of Geography, Memorial University, speak about how to build public engagement into the curriculum of undergraduate and graduate level university courses.

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More information on this topic:

From the National Co-ordinating Centre for Public Engagement (NCCPE). This methods discussion addresses embedding engagement into teaching and learning.

From the National Community-Based Research (CBR) Wiki. This wiki page provides several syllabi that integrate aspects of community engagement.

From the National Community-Based Research (CBR) Wiki. This wiki page provides several resources on "Engaging and Supporting Community Partners," including entries from CBR projects from various universities. Several entries are geared towards designing semester projects.

From Campus Compact. This website provides over 300 service-learning syllabi. These syllabi were selected from over 900 submitted for consideration and represent a wide variety of disciplines.

From Columbia College. This journal is a blind-reviewed journal open to work by undergraduate students only. Undergraduate students are welcome to submit articles, case studies, and reflections related to service learning experiences.

From the National Service-Learning Clearinghouse. This website provides an extensive collection of resources about service learning, including syllabi, forms, and toolkits.

From the Canadian Alliance for Community Service-Learning. This webpage offers a series of resources dealing with community service learning, including sample course outlines and sample forms.